Open Registrations

Batavia Community Recreation League
Basketball 2nd-6th - 2024

BCRL Basketball is for grades 2nd - 6th, boys and girls.  Practices are once or twice a week with games on weekends.  Seasons starts the first week of December and ends the first week of March.  Cost is $110 for first, $90 for second, and $70 for each additional (cheer, K1 and our older teams not included). 

Teams will be formed in 4th-6th grade as appropriate, athletic tryouts will be ran by varsity high school coaches.  From HR teams to athletic teams.  Signing up is not a guarantee for a certain placement, just placement on a team.

This is only open to children who live in the Batavia school district (you can open enroll elsewhere, but you must live in the school district) or those who attend Batavia schools (regardless of where you live). 

Teams returning from prior years are usually kept in tact and players are returned to their prior coach.  This can have some variation in the 3rd and 4th grade as player counts adjust.  

2nd Grade and above FAQ

Official Website

This sign up is closed but...

If you have been given a special code to sign up late you can proceed. If this code is invalid the registration will not submit. Payment is always required at time of registration.

If you are using a code you've not been authorized to use, your registration will be voided.

Participant Information

School Information

Missing a grade?

Parent Information

Medical Information

In the event reasonable attemts to contact me with the information provided above failes, I give consent for the administration of any treatment deemed necessary by the doctor and dentist below, or to the hospital below (or a reasonably accessible hospital). This authorization does not cover major surgery unless two licensed physicians or dentist concur in the necessity for such surgery prior to its performance.
Medical Doctor Information
Dentist Information
Preferred Hospital
Additional Medical Notes
Allergies, medicines, etc... (if your child has a medical condition that requires special attention, a parent is required to be at all practices and games)
General Consent and Release of Liability
    I give permission for the registered child to participate in the Batavia Community Recreational League. I understand that there is no insurance coverage for any injuries sustained as a result of participation in this program and I also agree to hold blameless the Batavia Community Recreation League, its coaches, assistant coaches, and sponsors for any injuries sustained as a result of participation in this program.